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JCB Access Help Files


The guide is to help with connection to the machine and the operation of the tools.

Laptop Connection Lead

Diagnostics Tool

Programming Tool

Parameter Check Tool

Battery History Tool

This topic last edited on 08/08/2017


Tools > Laptop Connection Lead

JCB Access Help Files

Laptop Connection Lead

Using the cable seen in figure 2, a laptop can be connected to the Access Platform.

Figure 1

Figure 2.

This topic last edited on 10/08/2017


Tools > Diagnostics Tool

The diagnostic tool can be used to work out the cause of an error during machine use.

Figure 1

  1. Select the COM PORT used on the laptop. Refer to Figure 1A.

  2. Press 'Connect'. Refer to Figure 1B.

Figure 1C is where the information is displayed. Figure 1D is the button to save the data.

This topic last edited on 08/08/2017


JCB Access Help Files

Programming Tool

Tools > Programming Tool

Before the programming tool is opened. Please install the Run Time and Visa Run Time files.

To Connect to the Diagnostic tool

  1. On the machine, press the lower e-stop, then select chassis control and hold ‘up’ and pull the e-stop back out.

  2. In the software it shows in the bottom left if the software has connected to the machine.

Updating machine software.

  1. Ensure connection to machine

  2. To check and update machine software click the update code buttons as shown below.

To update configuration files.

  1. Click Open File, this should take you to the new folder create in service master. ‘Electric Scissor Config files’

  2. Select the correct configuration file that machines the machine model number.

  3. Press write to device.

  4. The software will confirm that the flash is successful or fails.

Parameters Tab.

Connect the laptop to the machine as shown in previous section. The values will be displayed in the screen.

Control Curves tab.

Connect to the machine as described above

The curves will be displayed on the screen once connected.

Note: 'A' can be selected to show the different curves available.

This topic last edited on 09/08/2017


Tools > Battery History Tool

JCB Access Help Files

Battery History Tool

Download the data to USB

  1. Format USB (capacity does not exceed 8GByte)to be FAT32

  2. Insert USB into the Charger

  3. This will download 2 files. PYLODATA.PYL and xxxxxxxx.pyl. xxxxx stands for the serial number of the charger.

Notes: If USB status LED of charger flashes at 1HZ, the update work was completed. Potential reasons as below:

  1. Poor contact between USB & USB port of charger;

  2. USB has not been formatted to be FAT32;

  3. USB capacity exceeds 8 GByte.

History file

To Open the software double click the icon in service master.

To update battery charge curve

Select the correct curve profile based on battery type listed below:

  1. Format USB stick to Fat32 and ensure it is empty.

  2. Load correct curve onto the memory stick from service master charge profiles folder

  3. Insert USB stick into the charger

  4. Insert USB with document “PYLODATA.PYL” into charger;

  5. Waiting until USB status LED of charger not flashing;

  6. Take out USB from charger;

  7. Update work complete

This topic last edited on 09/08/2017


JCB Access Help Files

Parameter Check Tool

Tools > Parameter Check Tool

  1. Select the correct com port, from the dropdown list, and press the connect button.