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How To Use the Subfile Editor

Introduction Calterm III supports the editing of parameters, hex addresses, table values and Dataplate information using the Subfile Editor. Calibrations consist of assembled supporting subfiles. Most calibrations are made up of eight subfiles; the first six belong to the SC (System Control) option with the remaining two subfiles being part of the DO (Distributor Option). Calterm III supports the editing of parameters in the following formats:

  • Decimal (Engineering units)

  • Hexadecimal

  • Binary

Subfile Editor This table outlines the steps for editing a subfile.




From the File menu, Select the Open Subfile option. On the Select Subfile dialog box, Select the Product, Configuration and Subfile. When all the appropriate selections have been made, Click <OK>.

Result: The Calterm III window opens to a blank Screen or if a previous Screen filename was associated with the Subfile Editor, it opens by default.


To add a parameter to the Subfile Editor session, Type the parameter name or use the Parameter Query (F1) dialog box.


To add a specific element within a 1D, 2D or 3D table, locate a name cell and Type the name of the table followed by its index. (Example: C_ABS_DroopSpeedTable[4:5] )


To add a complete 1D, 2D or 3D table, use the Parameter Query (F1) dialog box to locate and select the table.


To navigate between the different Screen panels, use the CTRL+ R and ALT+ F7 shortcuts, Click on the available Screen tabs or use the arrow controls located on the Screen tabs area.


To edit a single parameter, locate the Screen panel, Type in a new value and Press ENTER.

Result: The new value displays and the background in the value call turns yellow.


To edit a table value, open the appropriate Table Name tab and Select the table Value. Type in a new value and Press ENTER.

Result: The new value for the table displays and the background in the value cell turns to yellow.


To edit the parameters value in Hex, from the View menu,

Select the Hex option.

Result: All of the values within the current Screen panel convert to Hex are editable.


To edit the parameters value in Binary, from the View menu,

Select the Binary option.

Result: All of the values within the current Screen panel convert to Binary and are editable.


To edit the parameters values in Decimal, from the View

menu, Select the Decimal option.

Result: All of the values within the current Screen panel convert to Decimal, unless they are by default Hexadecimal, and are editable.


To undo the last edited value, from the Edit menu, Select the

Undo option.

Result: The editor resets the last value change to its previous

value and the yellow background is reset to its normal color.


To undo all edited values, from the Edit menu, Select the

Revert All option.

Result: The editor resets all edited entries back to their original values and the yellow backgrounds are reset to their normal color.


To view the properties for a particular parameter or table entry, locate the name or entry, RightClick and Select the Properties option from the context menu. The Detailed Properties dialog box displays. Click <OK> to close the dialog box.


To remove a set of parameters, table, or group entry from the Editor window, Select the appropriate Screen Name tab and Click the X icon located at the far right of the Editor window.

Result: The highlighted Screen Name panel is removed from the Editor window.


To save the subfile, from the File menu, Select the Save As


Note: If the subfile edited was structured, the saved subfile will become unreleased and saved in the …\Product\Unrlcal folder. If the file edited was an unreleased subfile, the auto- increment naming of the subfile extension is handled by the

tool and written to the …\Product\Unrlcal folder.

Result: The Subfile is saved in the …Product\Unrlcal folder and a Successful message displays in the Event Log.


To save the changes made to the Screen filename, Press F2, CTRL+ F2 or from the Editor menu, Select the Save Screen File or Save Screen File As… option and follow the instructions.

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